Boris Draschoff
"Kaleideoscoping and triangleizing and simplifying the world!" Berlin-based designer Boris Draschoff creates art that follows the literal translation from Greek of the word ‘kaleidoscope’, meaning ‘observation of beautiful forms’. Simplifying subjects, he reduces them to their essentials. Whether he is restructuring shapes and colours along cubist lines, or creating awesomely outrageous pop-artsy collages in a playground of pastels, he can always be trusted to turn your perspective around.
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Artist Biography

"Kaleideoscoping and triangleizing and simplifying the world!" Berlin-based designer Boris Draschoff creates art that follows the literal translation from Greek of the word ‘kaleidoscope’, meaning ‘observation of beautiful forms’. Simplifying subjects, he reduces them to their essentials. Whether he is restructuring shapes and colours along cubist lines, or creating awesomely outrageous pop-artsy collages in a playground of pastels, he can always be trusted to turn your perspective around.
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